Dianne Dengel, Art that Makes You Smile

Dianne Dengel’s Mother noticed Dianne’s artistic talent when she was only three years old. 

Her mother worked at Edwards Department Store and, although the family had little money, she encouraged her daughter’s love of drawing people by bringing home the cardboard from shirt boxes that would have been discarded.

Market Time, by Dianne Dengel

Market Time, by Dianne Dengel

“I had two college scholarships, but in those days, they expected all artists to be teachers.  I wanted to be an artist.  So I opened a tiny shop on South Avenue where I drew portraits for $1.50.  I have no idea how I made ends meet,” she laughs.

Dianne’s break came in 1984 when  TV personality Mr. Rogers came to Rochester to do a show about Dianne and her work.  Each year, he rebroadcast the show, which brought Dianne recognition and orders for her one-of-a-kind paintings, portraits and dolls.  Her works are favored pieces in many private collections, including that of Oprah Winfrey.

Art Class Dolls, by Dianne Dengel

Art Class Dolls, by Dianne Dengel

“I’ve been an artist for 52 years, and hope to keep creating for many more years,” shared Dianne.

Dianne is known for her whimsical, loveable characters, so full of life and joy.  You can watch Dianne work at her booth at the Downtown Canandaigua Art & Music Festival where you’ll also also be able view and purchase her paintings and dolls.

Photos courtesy of Dianne Dengel.